Keeping Your Family Pets Happy and Healthy Since 2001
WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE? Acupuncture consists of inserting thin, sterile, stainless steel needles into a patient at precise locations and depths to alter the body's biochemical and physiological properties primarily through stimulation of the central nervous system. Acupuncture has been used in humans and animals for over 4,000 years and is a good adjunctive therapy to western treatment plans. Nerves integrate every organ and acupuncture stimulates nerves!! Acupuncture has traditionally been used as a preventative. Research has confirmed that acupuncture stimulates immune function, thereby increasing resistance to bacterial and viral infections. In addition, acupuncture can greatly increase overall vitality and energy and it effects profound changes on the physical and emotional levels. The American Veterinary Medical Association considers veterinary acupuncture a valid modality within the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery.
A healthy body is said to be in 'homeostasis or 'balance'. Illness indoor injury cause the body to become unbalanced. It works primarily through the central nervous system affecting the miscalculate, hormonal and cardiovascular systems. It does more than relieve pain. How it works depends on what condition one is treating and which points are utilized. Acupuncture increases circulation, causes a release of many petrochemicals, some of which are endorphins, the body's "natural painkilling" hormones, relieves muscle spasms, stimulates nerves, stimulates the body's defense systems, as well as numerous other beneficial effects.
For small animals, the insertion of acupuncture needles is virtually painless. Once the needles are in place, there should be no pain. Most animals become very relaxed and may even become sleepy. Acupuncture is performed with sterile, thin stainless steel needles. It is one of the safest therapies utilized if practiced by a competent acupuncturist. Side effects are rare. Because acupuncture balances the body's own system of healing and not chemicals are administered, complications rarely, if ever, develop.
All animal can benefit from acupuncture. Dr. Towner has experience with acupuncture treatments on varieties of species including, but not limited to; dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and snakes.
Acupuncture is performed once to twice a week for 4-8 treatments until desirable effects are seen or demonstrated. Treatments are then tapered according to the patient's response, typically about every two to six months for maintenance. Acupuncture may also be used as needed or once a month for maintenance, relaxation and/or immune stimulating quality of life.
Dr. Nicole Towner, Certified Veterinary Acupuncture |